Meet the Team: Bertie

Bertie the Office Dog

Put a face to the name at the Ellis family...

At Ellis, we pride ourselves on our level of customer service and creating long standing relationships with both our customers and growers alike built on loyalty, integrity and respect. These values start with our staff, all working hard to ensure our business runs smoothly and our service remains at an impeccable standard. Many of our loyal team have been with us over 20 years, proving both our dedication to our staff and their commitment to our customers.

We thought we'd try and make you smile, with our furry family member, Bertie. 

Bertie the Bull Terrier, pup to Vicky Williams (Customer Service):

What’s your highlight at Ellis Wines? Being spoiled rotten by everyone

Favourite wine and why? I prefer Bottom Sniffer Beer

Do you have a nickname? If yes, please share. Eeyore

Favourite Instagram/Twitter account: bettythebeautifulbeast

Hot or cold? Hot

Celebrity crush: Spud Mckenzie

Sweet or savoury? Savoury

Latest Netflix obsession: Catwalk Tales from the catwalk circuit (those stupid cats)

Random fact: English bull terriers are the only dog with almond shaped eyes

Favourite Harry Potter character: Fang

What do you think of when we say ‘fruit’? Banana my favourite

Dog or cat? dog

Dark chocolate, milk chocolate or white chocolate? Mum says I can’t have chocolate

Favourite day of the week? Friday at 4.30 - the weekend is here!

Morning, noon or night? night

Your ‘go-to’ breakfast: Anything mum has got

How long does it take you get to get ready in the morning? When I finally get out of bed not much time at all

Is your glass half full or half empty? Half empty

Are you a listener or a talker? Talker

Tell us your best joke: Two mice in an airing cupboard which one is in the army? The 1 sat on the tank.

What makes you happy? Treats

Lifelong dream: To get my own way everyday

Who would be your 2 dinner party guests (dead or alive)? Share my dinner hhhmm don’t think so

Biggest fear: Loud noises

Best childhood memory: Meeting Geoff the window cleaner he is the best

What did you want to be when you were small? Bigger

What is your party trick? Zoomies

Would you rather win the lottery or work the perfect job? Lottery

Do you collect anything? Bones

If you could be one person for a day, who would it be and why? Brian from family guy

What animal would you be and why? Nothing better than a dog

If you could instantly become an expert in something, what would it be? Catching squirrels. Where do they go?

If you could live anywhere, where would it be? Somewhere hot and sunny so I could sunbathe all day

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